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The seed or pod of certain leguminous plants of the family Fabaceae and important to man since the beginning of food production. Most modern beans are of the genus Phaseolus, different species of which occur wild in two hemispheres. Their cultivation commenced at an early date in both. These species all originated in Mexico and South America, spreading to the Old World after Columbus. The earliest finds of cultivated Phaseolus beans are from 6th millennium BC Peru and Mexico. Vicia faba, the ancestor of the broad bean, was confined to the Old World, and was already being grown in the Neolithic Near East. Later in the Neolithic, the species appeared in Spain, Portugal, and eastern Europe. During the Bronze Age, the field bean grew in southern and central Europe, and by the Iron Age it reached Britain.


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The general term ‘beans’ includes two genera of plants: Phaseolus and Vicia. Phase-olus comprises a number of species, varieties of which include the haricot bean, french bean, runner bean, butter bean etc. These species all originated in Mexico and South America, only spreading to the Old World after Columbus. The earliest finds of cultivated Phaseolus beans are from Peru and Mexico, during the 6th millenium be. Vicia, on the other hand, includes only one cultivated species, Vicia faba, the horsebean, field bean or broad This species originated in the Old World. The earliest finds are from early Neolithic sites in the Near East. Later in the Neolithic, the species appeared in Spain and Portugal, and eastern Europe. During the Bronze Age, the field bean occurred in southern and central Europe, and by the Iron Age it appeared as far north as Britain.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied