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A settlement on the slopes of the Avala Hill in Belgrade, Serbia. One of the horizons has been dated to c 3760 BC. The culture is Vinca and some complete house plans have been recovered with details of food preparation, weaving,, working pits, etc. Pottery with incised signs might indicate ritual activities.


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An early and late VinCa open settlement on the northern slopes of the Avala Hills in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. The third of five occupation horizons has been dated to c3760 be. During excavations by Todorovic and Cermanovic, complete late Vinca house plans were recovered, which yielded detailed information on domestic activities. Foodpreparation and cooking, flint-knapping, weaving and storage are all attested inside the houses, while other industrial tasks are documented in working pits in yards. A large collection of signs incised on pottery indicates ritual activity in the village community, which reflects domestic rather than public religious activity.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied