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The site of a Roman colony and frontier post founded in 44 BC in Switzerland, which flourished under Hadrian until the time of an attack by the Alamanni in 260 AD. There is no evidence of occupation before 15 BC. The site has one of the most complete Roman city layouts north of the Alps with a theater, forum, curia, basilica, theater complex, baths, and city walls. The Romans enlarged the old Celtic settlement, improved water supplies, and constructed the arenas and theaters. Villas were built, providing the bases for agricultural exploitation and for spreading of Roman influence into the surrounding countryside.


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[Roman Augusta Rauricorum]. A Roman colonia and frontier post of the Upper Rhine valley near Basel, Switzerland. Although founded in 44 bc by Caesar and L. Munatius Plancus in the territory of the tribe of the Raurici, there seems to be no evidence for occupation before 15 bc. In this year, Tiberius and Drusus completed their campaign in the Central Alps, and a military post was established at Augst. The town flourished until an attack by the Alamanni in 260 ad. After this, settlement appears to have been disturbed and sporadic, and it appears that the population eventually moved to the vincinity of the new fort of Castrum Rauracense, also on the Rhine. Early structures were in the familiar Roman military style, constructed of earth and timber. Evidence of stone structures survives for many features of the town, including the curia, basilica, and a theatre complex which may have included a phase of combined theatre/amphitheatre use.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied