Atlantic Bronze Age

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A late Bronze Age metalworking industry which developed on the west coast of France (Brittany to Gironde) c 1000-500 BC and spread to southern England and Iberia. The unifying factor of these areas was very active trading along the Atlantic seaways. It is known from a large number of hoards with typical products being the carp's tongue sword, end-winged ax, hog-backed razor, and bugle-shaped object of uncertain function. The tradition flourished west of the area dominated by the central European Urnfield cultures.


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Late Bronze Age metal-working tradition found on the west coast of France, spreading to southern England and Iberia; alternatively known as the Carp’s Tongue Sword complex. It is known mainly from a large number of hoards, which include not only the characteristic swords, but also end-winged axes, hog-backed razors and bugle-shaped objects of uncertain function. The widespread distribution of these metal types indicates extensive trade along the Atlantic coasts of Europe; the tradition flourished west of the area dominated by the central European Urnfield cultures.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied