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A group of objects of different or similar types found in close association with each other and thus considered to be the product of one people from one period of time. Where the assemblage is frequently repeated and covers a reasonably full range of human activity, it is described as a culture; where it is repeated but limited in content, e.g. flint tools only (a set of objects in one medium), it is called an industry. When a group of industries are found together in a single archaeological context, it is called an assemblage. Such a group characterizes a certain culture, era, site, or phase and it is the sum of all subassemblages. Assemblage examples are artifacts from a site or feature.


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A group of objects found in association with each other and therefore thought to be the products of one group of people at one period. An assemblage may contain artefacts of one material only (e.g. flint) or may include objects of many different materials and types (e.g. pottery, stone and metal tools, weapons and ornaments). If an assemblage recurs at a number of sites, it may be regarded as characteristic of a particular

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied


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A group of objects of different or similar types found in close association with each other and thus considered to be the product of one people from one period of time. Where the assemblage is frequently repeated and covers a reasonably full range of human activity, it is described as a culture; where it is repeated but limited in content, e.g., flint tools only (a set of objects in one medium), it is called an industry. When a group of industries are found together in a single archaeological context, it is called an assemblage. Such a group characterizes a certain culture, era, site, or phase and it is the sum of all subassemblages. Assemblage examples are artifacts from a site or feature.

Dictionary of Artifacts, Barbara Ann Kipfer, 2007Copied