Arene Candide

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A cave site at Finale Ligure on the Italian Riviera whose excavation revealed a stratigraphy extending from the Upper Palaeolithic through Epi-Palaeolithic, to Early, Middle, and Late Neolithic, as well as poor levels from the Bronze and Iron Ages up to the Roman period. There were some rich burials in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th levels. The 1940s excavations by Bernabò Brea helped him make important interpretations of the Neolithic period in the Mediterranean.


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Cave site at Finale Ligure on the Italian Riviera, with a stratigraphy extending from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Neolithic and, at a poorer level, through to the Roman period. The site was excavated in the 1940s by Bernabò Brea and played an important role in his interpretation of the Neolithic period in the Mediterranean.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied