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An arrangement of single or multiple rows of standing stones (menhirs) at a site once occupied by humans. They are found mainly in Brittany and the British Isles' highland zones and are often aligned on cairns, henge monuments, or stone circles. Some others are found in Corsica. The rows do not provide much dating evidence, but they were probably set up in the 2nd and 3rd millennium BC (Neolithic, Bronze Age).


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Term referring to single or multiple rows of standing stones (menhirs). They occur most frequently in Brittany (see Carnac) and in the British Isles, where they are often found in association with stone circles or henge monuments. Other exam ples occur in Corsica. Very little dating evidence has been recovered, but it is thought that many belong to the 3rd millennium BC.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied