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A site in southern Mauritania that appears to have been an early copperworking center in Africa, from c. 5th century BC or earlier. It is one of the few Saharan or sub-Saharan areas where there may have been a Copper Age preceding the Iron Age. Arrowheads, spearheads, axes, pins, and some decorative items of copper are attributed to this period.


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Situated in southern Mauritania, Akjoujt appears to have been an early centre of African copper-working. It is, indeed, one of the few Saharan or sub-Saharan areas where there may have been a distinct ‘Copper Age’ preceding the local exploitation of iron. Mining of copper ore is indicated from at least the 5th century bc and possibly earlier. Links with other areas of early copper working to the north in Morocco and to the east in Niger (see Azelik) remain to be demonstrated. Arrowheads are the product most frequently represented, but spearheads, axes, pins and occasional decorative items may also tentatively be attributed to this period.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied