Donatello, St. Mark

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Donatello's bronze statue of St. Mark is a Renaissance masterpiece, created between 1411 and 1413. It is located in the Orsanmichele Church in Florence, Italy. The statue stands at over seven feet tall and is considered to be one of the earliest examples of Renaissance sculpture. It is a free-standing figure, depicting St. Mark in a classical pose with his right hand raised in a gesture of blessing and his left hand holding a book. The figure is dressed in a long robe with a stole draped over his shoulders. The drapery of the robe is detailed and realistic, and the facial features of the figure are highly expressive. The statue was originally commissioned by the Arte della Lana guild, and it was placed in the niche of the church in 1413. It is one of the most important works of Donatello, and it has been highly influential in the development of Renaissance sculpture.