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Ancient Assyrian city buried beneath a modern town in Iraq, on the summit of a large tell. Because there has been little excavation, it is known mainly from texts which say it had a temple dedicated to Ishtar and was a cult center second only to Assur. The earliest records referring to Arab'ilu belong to the late 3rd millennium BC.


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The ancient Assyrian city of Arab’ilu and a modem town in Iraq. It has been continuously inhabited for about 8000 years and provides a living example of the formation of a tell. Because it lies under the modem city there has been little excavation, but it is known from texts that it had a temple dedicated to Ishtar and was a cult centre of importance, second only to Assur itself. The earliest records referring to Arab’ilu belong to the late 3rd millennium bc.

The Macmillan dictionary of archaeology, Ruth D. Whitehouse, 1983Copied