Byzantine Monastery with Intricate Mosaics and Ancient Wine Press Discovered near Kiryat Gat, Israel

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Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have unearthed a significant Byzantine-era monastery near Kiryat Gat, Israel. The site features a vibrant mosaic floor adorned with crosses, lions, doves, amphorae, flowers, and geometric patterns. A Greek inscription on the mosaic reads: "Blessed are you when you come in and blessed are you when you go out" (Deuteronomy 28:6). The excavation revealed at least ten buildings, including the monastery, an ancient wine press, and a large warehouse. Artifacts such as imported wares, coins, marble elements, and metal and glass vessels indicate a prosperous community during the Byzantine period (5th-6th centuries CE). The site, which also includes a sophisticated winepress with mosaic flooring, was part of a settlement that existed from the early Roman period through the end of the Byzantine period, spanning approximately 600 years. Its strategic location at a central road junction suggests it served both local settlements and travelers.

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